"What to bring?" you ask...
The Helping Our Community (HOC) events are completely free. We are a non-profit that accepts donations but do not expect you to be a one-person volunteer army.
As such, there are several ways to help our community:
- Donate directly to His Humble Servants (HHS) using our donate page and explaining how you'd like the donation to be used; HOC event or other
- Bring what you can with you to an HOC event
This page focuses on how you can accomplish #2 above:
- Water - always needed
- Antibacterial soaps, sanitizers, and any other health products; toothbrush/paste, hand soap, wipes, baby wipes, sponges/luffas
- Clothes - always needed, any kind, size, shape, etc.
- Food - this one is the trickiest but the rule of thumb is the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Silly). If you want to help with sandwiches, it'd be best to bring sandwich ingredients to make on-site - some can't eat cheese, ham, lettuce, etc.
The main thing to remember is we are always helping humans. Right, underprivileged or underrepresented people are still human. They might not like some stuff and we don't believe in the old saying, "beggars can't be choosers."